She was so strong that she never asked for help. But, now she was helped by machines to even breathe.…
Your voice is my morning coffee. And I'm addicted to my morning coffee. Comment 'YES' if you too are addicted…
Here, on this blog I write short romantic quotes, short stories. In the last post, I compiled a list of…
Rishabh Bansal is an Indian novelist. His debut novel 'Take Me Away' is launching on September 5, 2020.On his Instagram…
She was an epitome of happiness. Be happy and keep smiling. It has a magical power. People will be attracted…
He was the music that kept playing in her mind. To discover more such short romantic quotes by Author Rishabh…
She was the wish that I wish to be true. Drop a 'Love' if you loved this short romantic quote…
In my world, you're mine and it's my world. Drop a smiley in comments below if you loved this short… She was the joy I wish to cherish. These are a few short romantic quotes taken from the novel…