Holi, the festival of colors, is a vibrant celebration of love, joy, and togetherness. It’s the perfect time to reconnect…
Diwali is a festival of lights that is celebrated worldwide with great zeal. The main motto of this festival is…
Channelize that energy. Use it in a positive way. When you are burning from inside, only you know what disturbed…
'We all are energy particles' is a short quote By Author Rishabh Bansal. He is a best-selling author and an…
She was a piece of code that even Sundar Pichai can't decode. Engineers day special quote. To read more romantic…
Happy Engineers Day. We all are engineers of our life. Day by day we design the life we want as…
She was so strong that she never asked for help. But, now she was helped by machines to even breathe.…
She was an epitome of happiness. Be happy and keep smiling. It has a magical power. People will be attracted…
I love to play outdoor sports but sometimes I befriend with laziness. Do mention in comments your favourite ourdoor sports.…