Take Me Away

Your voice – short romantic quotes

Your voice is my morning coffee. And I'm addicted to my morning coffee. Comment 'YES' if you too are addicted…

5 years ago

She was an epitome – short quotes by Author Rishabh Bansal

She was an epitome of happiness. Be happy and keep smiling. It has a magical power. People will be attracted…

5 years ago

People who enter our lives – short writings

People who enter our lives are bound to go.But, it's on us, how to say goodbye to them. Read more…

5 years ago

Draped in a pool of blood – Short story of courage

Draped in a pool of blood, I kept smiling as every passing second kept giving me more pain. Attitude makes…

5 years ago

Just like the clouds, was my mind

As the clouds kept bombarding earth with tiny rain droplets, so was my mind, it kept bombarding me her thoughts.…

5 years ago